pipx - Install Python Applications

I use pipx to install some Python tools.

pipx install hatch

pipx install pgadmin4

I also like to install my own tools, outside of development, using pipx.

pipx install pomodorable

Packages don't have to be on PyPI, but you have to specify the path to a .whl file. One uploaded to a GitHub release will work.

pipx install image_snip@https://github.com/wmelvin/image-snip/releases/download/v2024.03.1/image_snip-2024.3.1-py3-none-any.whl

A .whl file uploaded to a web hosting platform will also work.

pipx install gitramble@https://bogusoft.com/packages/gitramble/gitramble-0.1.dev1-py3-none-any.whl