Building TUIs with Textual




Bill Melvin



At work in 1994

Bill at work in 1994

Probably working on a Turbo/Borland Pascal program, in a text-only interface, on a PC running MS-DOS.

I suppose in 1994, it could have been running Windows 3.1, but I don't recall.



Original Console / Terminal




Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The Graphical user interface has largely replaced the earlier text-based UIs.

The term Graphical User Interface may have been used more in the past to make the distinction between this new style versus the text-based user interfaces common at the time GUIs were introduced more widely.



GUI - Python - Desktop

There are multiple options for creating GUIs in Python:



GUI - Python - Web

Web applications are also GUIs, and Python has many options for creating them:



GUI - Python - Web/Desktop

PgAdmin4 is an example of a web application that can run locally or on a server.

PgAdmin4 screen

"pgAdmin 4 is a complete rewrite of pgAdmin, built using Python and Javascript/jQuery. A desktop runtime written in NWjs allows it to run standalone for individual users, or the web application code may be deployed directly on a web server for use by one or more users through their web browser."



Do you need a GUI?

If you're building a web, or mobile, application, the answer is yes (by default).

If you're building a utility that will run on a local machine, the answer is it depends.



Inputs to Python apps


Command-line arguments




Python - input

Python input

Python output



TUI - Textual User Interface

Something in-between a CLI and a GUI

Why would you want to build a TUI?




How I heard about Textual

Podcast - Talk Python to Me

Talk Python to Me

Talk Python to Me logo

Episode #336 - Terminal magic with Rich and Textual

Episode #380 - 7 lessons from building a modern TUI framework



Podcast - Python Bytes

Python Bytes

Python Bytes logo

Episode #299 - Will McGugan drops by



Podcast - Real Python Podcast

Real Python Podcast

Real Python Podcast logo

Episode #80 - Make Your Python App Interactive With a Text User Interface (TUI)

Article: Python Community Interview With Will McGugan



Will McGugan

Will McGugan GitHub



Will McGugan - Textualize/Rich


"Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal."

Rich screenshot




Textual Welcome Screen



Textual App Examples

bloomberg/memray: Memray is a memory profiler for Python

Textualize/frogmouth: A Markdown browser for your terminal







Aspects of Textual



My Application

A Pomodoro Timer



Pomodoro Technique

Wikipedia Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro Technique



Pomodoro Timer - Classic

Tick, tick, tick... RING!

Pomodoro Timer



Pomodoro Timer - Home Office

This one beeps when it's done, but doesn't tick the whole time.

Digital Kitchen Timer



Pomodoro Timer - Cubicle Land

It can be set to blink quietly.

Digital Timer Blinks



Pomodoro Timer - Not!

Rana Timer

Well, it can be, if you want.




Pomodori Spreadsheet




I use git for source code management.

Some projects are on GitHub. Others are pushed to a local git server.

Some projects, such as one-off utility scripts, are not in git at all, but are backed up locally (and off-site).




"pipx is made specifically for application installation, as it adds isolation yet still makes the apps available in your shell: pipx creates an isolated environment for each application and its associated packages."

I have been using pipx to install Python command-line applications (not libraries).



pipx - Install Python Applications

I use pipx to install some Python tools.

pipx install hatch

pipx install pgadmin4

I also like to install my own tools, outside of development, using pipx.

pipx install pomodorable

Packages don't have to be on PyPI, but you have to specify the path to a .whl file. One uploaded to a GitHub release will work.

pipx install image_snip@

A .whl file uploaded to a web hosting platform will also work.

pipx install gitramble@



Project tools







just a command runner

"just is a handy way to save and run project-specific commands. Commands, called recipes, are stored in a file called justfile with syntax inspired by make..."

I learned about just looking at some of Simon Willison's projects on GitHub. I saw a file named Justfile and wondered what it does.



Simon Willison

Simon Willison GitHub



Textual Development Tools




When planning a project, it is good to think about potential showstoppers.



A Toasty Requirement

For a Pomodoro Timer application to be useful, it needs to notify you when the countdown is finished.

It was encouraging to see that Textual has a Toast widget. Unfortunately, Textual's Toast widget only pops up in the terminal. I want a system notification.

Searching for a Python package to do system notifications turned up a few. Some were Windows-only. Some required installing additional system packages.

I settled on plyer:



Small POC to verify

Python script toasty

Ran on:



Project Setup

hatch init

Running hatch init creates scaffolding for a Python project.

I made some edits before doing the initial git commit.



Project Dependencies

Packages used










Textual - Bindings

Bindings are declared in the App class.


Actions are implemented with the method name starting with action_ followed by the action defined in the BINDINGS list.


The action descriptions show in the app's Footer.




Click for CLI



Testing a Textual App

Textual Guide: Testing

Snapshot testing for Textual apps: pytest-textual-snapshot



Using the App


Data CSV - Stored in user app data location.

Daily CSV - Aligns with the layout of the spreadsheet I've been using for years.

Daily Markdown - Written to an Obsidian Daily Notes file.



Showstoppers? - Part II





What Else?

Some commits to look at (maybe):

Some aspects to look at in the code:




What's Next?

Possible Enhancements

Here are a few things I may (or may not) do with the Pomodorable app:



That's All

Thank you

You can find more of my ramblings in my "stuff" repo on GitHub.